Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When Red Meant Green: Crimson Masks Round 2

See all our wrestling posts under the "Crimson Mask" or "Seminal Sluts" titles...

    The Six Flags:Great Adventure amusement park is not far from where I teach and every spring it seems to inspire at least one debate among students about what is the most dangerous/scariest ride at the park. The students invariably argue for the latest Hollywood-inspired, Superhero-themed, testicle tingling roller coaster to come down the pike, but on those rare moments when I find the energy to raise my head above The Daily News sports section I cast my vote for the Log Flume.

    Immediately the little snots scoff until I explain that the most recent Batman/Superman/Green Latern thrill ride, while higher, faster and twistier, is the brain child of a think tank of Ivy League engineers using computer generated models incorporating the latest magnetic and metallurgic technology to create a risk-free run. The Log Flume, on the other hand, is a 100 foot pile of cheap plywood and Sputnik-era fiberglass thrown together in the 1950's by surly, half-soused Eastern European Teamsters that sways in a stiff breeze like it was designed by the same team behind the Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster. Fact is if anyone's gonna die it's on The Flume, baby, mark my words.

    But what kids today just can't comprehend is that the biggest thrills in life often come from what is unknown. Similiarly in our last wrestling post we indicated that today's brand of televised Pro Wrestling is far more exciting on a match to match basis than the days of yore, but the one thing it lacks is that sense of mystery.

    You see prior to the explosion of cable TV, You Tube and the 24/7 Wrestling Observer/Figure 4 Weekly/ Pro Wrestling Torch internet news cycle there were only two ways to keep abreast of the day's grappling greats. The first was to watch the stars of your regional territory on the local station's weekly TV taping that featured a parade of squash matches interspersed with interviews and the occasional black and white arena highlights shot from the floor on a shaky, hand-held camera like some kind of low-brow Zapruder film that made The Blair Witch Project look like Citizen Kane. And the second was the Wrestling Magazine, a pulp periodical filled with sensationalized, National Enquirer-style stories jammed between advertisements for Sea Monkeys and X-Ray Specs that left your hands covered in more cheap ink than Michael J. Fox replacing a toner cartridge.

    The only time the twain would meet was every 2-3 months when a new set of heels and a coupla of babyfaces cycled through your area with a new crop of styles, gimmicks and specialty matches that added a dash of spice just when things got stale. Sure there were no Sin Cara's or Rey Misterio's in the group, but what these guys lacked in aerial ability they made up for with the tease. And let's face it once you know that another "619" is always a click of the mouse or flick of the TiVO remote away you tend to get jaded. Kinda like the way Mr. Pibb tasted great at the Piggly Wiggly on those family vacations to Florida, but once you could get it at the local Wal-Mart it became just the bad Dr. Pepper ripoff it had always been.

    So in a followup to our semi-heralded "When The Men Were Men And The Masks Were Crimson" article here's another sampling of the heroes of yesterday who tempted us just enough that we'd fork over our allowances and suffer the Pen Pal sections and Charles Atlas Dynamic Tension ads just to see how the other half lived.

1. Kamala, The Ugandan Giant- Kamala's real name is James Harris, but when I googled "James + Kamala + Harris" the first page that came up was that of the current Attorney General of California...Kamala Harris. Considering this is a state that elected an Austrian Bodybuilder/B-Movie Actor as Governor I figured anything is possible. The thought of which blew my mind worse than the "Kool-Aid" I drank from that wine sack at a Hot Tuna concert in '92 or the time a friend bet I couldn't get the name of Tennessee Tuxedo's sidekick without looking it up and I spent an entire week showing History Channel videos in class too frazzled from racking my brain to formulate a lesson plan.

    But fear not Californians as your Kamala Harris is a woman. So should you commit a major felony in state you won't be confronted at the prosecution table by a 400 pound black man from Mississippi wielding a spear in one hand and slapping his crescent moon painted belly with the other-though that might be interesting just to see the look on the occasional Mob Boss' or embezzling Politician's face.

    No, our Kamala maintained a safe distance from Law School going straight from picking fruit in the orange groves of Florida in his late teens to training with the coconut-headed Bobo Brazil in the 70's. He spent his early career working in England as the Mississippi Mauler, but returned Stateside to try his luck in the Jerry Lawler/Jerry Jarrett run Memphis territory in 1978.

    There as Sugar Bear Harris he had a less than awe inspiring debut which led to Lawler describing him as, "unathletic and weak on the stick (microphone)" which is kinda like a football coach saying of his team, "we're small, but we're slow." Still size sells in wrestling and so instead of giving up on Harris Lawler and Jarrett decided he should adopt an African Savage gimmick.

    Jarrett came up with the name after reading about a Dr. Kimala in National Geographic, then Lawler had Harris shave his head, don a loin cloth and paint his face and body with various astrological symbols that look like they were copied directly out of Goodnight Moon prompting many a wrestling fan to ponder the question...Jerry Jarrett reads National Geographic?

    With a manager to handle interviews Harris as Kamala only had to grunt, slap his belly and look intimidating as he delivered a repertoire of punches, chops and stomps that could make The Great Khali look like the illegitimate love-child of Kurt Angle and Billy Robinson. Still this was good enough to make him a top heel in Memphis, Mid-South and WCCW before Vince McMahon came calling in 1984.

    In the fast booming, comic book character environment of the new WWF Kamala took off immediately. Flanked by various managers (Freddie Blassie, Skandor Akbar, Harvey Wimpleman, King Curtis)and "Handler" Kim Chee, played by Brooklyn Brawler Steve Lombardi dressed as a cross between Crocodile Dundee and Groucho Marx's Captain Spaulding, Kamala rose straight to the top of the bad guy pecking order headlining PPV's in feuds with Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker and Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

    Following the Roberts' feud Kamala moved on to the USWA where he held their version of the World Title 4 times beating Lawler, Koko B. Ware and "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert along the way. When the WWF opened a talent sharing program with USWA Kamala tried to generate another run under the McMahons, this time as a babyface, but at 42 and having showed his hand to the fans there once already the bloom was apparently off the big, fat rose in a manner of speaking.

    From there Kamala kicked around the Indies for a bit before settling down to get married and write music. In a refreshing surprise the latter does not fall into the Rap genre that so many athletes-wannabe-musicians seem to gravitate toward, but instead is a cross between old school country and Dixieland Jazz. You can see a video for his song "She's Gone For Good" at his website theugandagiantkamala.com where he also sells CDs, Jungle Skirts and child-proof spears at a nominal cost. Good luck, big man!

Kamala and Steve Lombardi...the African Explorer...

2. Magnum TA (Terry Allen)- Considering I've been known to fly into a profanity-filled tirade when the Zamboni driver misses a sliver of ice at a professional hockey game it's safe to say my tolerance for frustration is a tad bit lower than Magnum TA.

    You see in 1986, fresh off a historic victory over Tully Blanchard in the first ever "I Quit" match and with two US Heavyweight Title runs behind him, Terry Allen's sky rocketing career ended at a point that would've caused me to put my head in the oven faster than Sylvia Plath. For according to reliable sources TA was just months away from a program that would culminate in his winning the NWA World Title when he wrapped his Porsche around a telephone pole in Charlotte, N.C. and suffered injuries that would instantly end his in-ring career. Even worse reports indicate that Allen was not speeding or under the influence, but simply hydroplaned on a wet patch causing him to lose control of the vehicle.

    Given the nickname Magnum TA by Andre The Giant, who thought he resembled Magnum P.I. star Tom Selleck, Terry Allen was a 1980's Trailer Park Hearthrob on par with Eddie Rabbitt and the guy who sang lead for the band Alabama. With a 70's porn star moustache and a mullett so outrageous it could best be described as "bible class in the front/Lollapalooza in the back" TA took the Atlanta-based Crockett Promotion by storm during a Goldberg-like run in the early 80's complete with a documented TV winning streak that featured victories in as little as 10-, 5- and even 3-seconds.

    He won his first US Title in 1985 beating Wahoo McDaniels and immediately began feuding with Blanchard and his valet Baby Doll. On the way to their groundbreaking match at The Great American Bash Allen was given a title shot against NWA Champ Ric Flair in which he acquitted himself well enough to be considered for the belt down the line.

    Unfortunately things moved slowly in those days and Allen would spend nearly a year battling Ivan and then Nikita Koloff before plans got under way for his title march. Before that, of course, Porsche met pole and though he made a miraculous recovery just to be able to walk again he would never work another match. He briefly tried his hand at announcing, but after all the trauma flecks of gray had him looking more like Sam Elliott than Tom Selleck and his heart wasn't in it anyway.

    Today Magnum lives in his home state of Virginia where he runs a small hedge fund and owns several telecommunications towers. The 'stash is now gone and his trademark mullett while still long in the back has receded up front to the point that he's tiptoeing along the less than flattering "Ben Franklin Line". Nonetheless he is happily married to, of all people, Tully Blanchard's ex-wife and raising 6 kids like a heterosexual Robert Reed. So here's all the best to a man who is a shining testament to human will.

Magnum TA in all his Mullett-y goodness

3. "Outlaw" Ron Bass- The "Rules of the Cartoon Kingdom" are pretty straight forward. Somes examples include all humans shall have 4 fingers/toes per hand/foot no more, no less; all owls must wear Graduation caps; any character sneaking up on another shall be accompanied by the plucking of violin strings; and, of course, facial hair = bad/clean shaven = good.

    With a few exceptions Pro Wrestling throughout its history has adhered to this latter dictum and "Outlaw" Ron Bass, for one, took this maxim to heart. Throughout his well-traveled career the black-hatted Bass kept his well waxed handlebar moustache ever at the ready just an "I'm about to tie a damsel to the railroad tracks" twist away from defining his heel persona for even the slowest witted of wrestling fans.

    And just like his facial hair and Cowboy hat Bass was a no-nonsense type in whatever region he was working. A mid- to upper-card professional bad guy who knew his role and performed it well. Sorta the Matt Stairs of the Squared Circle.

    Outside of a few tag title runs with partner Black Bart the Outlaw's most famous run was a WWF feud with Brutus Beefcake kicked off by Bass "juicing" Beefcake with his spurs during a TV taping-an extremely rare occurence at that time. That Bass was then able to carry the then green as grass Bruti all the way through to a PPV level Hair vs. Hair grudge match is enough to make the back breaking efforts of Paul Simon and Darryl Hall practically pale in comparison.

    Perhaps the big Outlaw's best move, however, was knowing when to walk away. He stepped aside in 1991 before mounting injuries could get the best of him, moved to Florida, played golf and finished up his B.A. at Arkansas State University. These days he shows up at the occasional Reunion or Independent show and is nice enough to "friend" even the snarkiest of Sports Entertainment bloggers on his FaceBook page-a true professional through and through.

The Outlaw "dragging" Brutus Beefcake through another quality match.

4. Superstar Billy Graham (Wayne Coleman)- I've always maintained that among the several women who have spent the night at one of my humble abodes I've never heard a complaint in bed. Of course, it's hard to hear from the top bunk...but I think my point is clear.

    And that point is that in matters of the ego it's easy to fool oneself into believing things are better than they may appear. Case in point was the website of Superstar Graham (now apparently defunct) which seemed to credit Graham with being the inspiration for every wrestling persona from Hulk Hogan to The Rock to the Gobbeldygooker and then some.

    Now don't get me wrong Mr. Coleman was a fantastic performer whose physique and mic work were slightly ahead of their time, but in no way was he the Lewis and Clark of wrestling style the site credits him as being. Even the Superstar himself has admitted his sing-song, rhyming catchphrases borrowed a great deal from a young Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali and his flamboyant ring wear and arrogant persona owe more than a passing nod to 1950's greats like Gorgeous George and "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers.

    But in the wrestling biz personality and charisma puts asses in the seats and Graham had that in enough abundance to be tabbed by the McMahons as successor to aging WWF Champ Bruno Sammartino. No Stan Stasiak, he held the title for a Heel record 296 days in 1977-78 before dropping it to the up and coming Bob Backlund. During this period Graham is credited with having headlined 20 Madison Square Garden shows with 19 resulting in full houses for a then unprecedented 95% sell out rate.

    By the mid-80's years of pounding and steriod abuse had taken a toll on The Superstar. He retired in 1987 and began a series of hip surgeries that would reduce him to a shadow of his former self. Still at a time when Barry Bonds could still fit into a non-custom designed batting helmet Graham courageously went public with his steriod use and came out against the Pro Wrestling culture that fostered such abuse. Although such talk did not endear him to Vince McMahon, Jr. Graham was still elected to the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004.

    Alas, even this did not end well for the outspoken Coleman who fell out again with McMahon in '09 upon being fired from a WWE consultancy position. He subsequently sold his HOF ring on EBay and in 2011 demanded his name be removed from the index of Hall of Famers due to the inclusion of a "bloodthirsty animal like Abdullah the Butcher" in the latest induction class.

    Sadly Superstar, who received a liver transplant in 2004, was diagnosed with cirrhosis in March of 2011 and given a rather grim prognosis. He presently lives in Arizona with his wife Valerie and his 2006 autobiography, Tangled in the Ropes, has gotten generally positive reviews while selling respectably. He may not have been the original innovator of the self-aggrandizing, flamboyant, over-the-top wrestling persona, but he brought various elements together to create a memorable character and career that will never be forgotten.

Superstar Graham vs. Dusty Rhodes sometime before Doctors isolated the cause of the AIDS virus.

    I've got some stuff on Roddy Piper, I've got some stuff on Superfly Snuka and I've got a case of Molson Golden somebody gave me at a Graduation Party...guess who wins? I've also accumulated some detritus related to Buzz Sawyer, Billy Jack Haynes, Baron Von Raschke and the Master of the Green Mist The Great Kabuki so stay tuned. There's also a potential New York Yankee article in the works...we'll keep you posted. As always were on Facebook here I believe http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Bowling-Til-It-Hurts/144323018970626  and on Twitter at "sprtcom102" because I believe I drunkenly passed out on the keyboard the night I opened that account and those are the characters that came out. Until next time I'll be lying on my bed hands folded thinking of ways to make all of you happier...Godspeed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Deckhand In The Symbionese Liberation Navy Of Life

     So Tyler Perry has 4 shows on TV and 3 movies in production, but Rog's wise-cracking sister Dee never got any work after What's Happening went off the air...I mean where's the justice there? But I digress...

    It's been over a week since we last posted and a lot has transpired so let's get caught up. Congress suffered a Weiner Interruptus, Hugh Hefner got left at the altar leaving one to wonder how an old guy like that will ever find another woman and the Greek National Debt topped $490 billion which is a lot of fries with gravy where I come from.

I think my arteries hardened just looking at this.

    But ultimately this is a sports blog so let's quickly look at the latest happenings there followed by the schedule for our next posting...

    First in hockey the Bruins won the Stanley Cup in 7 games leaving Vancouver goalie Roberto Luongo so distraught he tried to throw himself in front of a bus...but fortunately it went through the 5-Hole.

    The City of Vancouver was not so lucky, however, suffering two days of rioting in the aftermath of the loss. Now burning cars and ripping up parking meters seems a bit ridiculous, but I gotta admit I'm down with looting. Not that I condone it, but at least there's a socio-economic endgame there. Though I'm not sure the guy I saw on CNN bolting through a smashed supermarket window holding some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and a Zagnut bar over his head was really "sending a message to The Man", but we all protest in our own way.

    Meanwhile in baseball the Florida Marlins announced the hiring of 80 year-old Jack McKeon as interim manager making him the most out of shape guy in stretch pants this side of the Loverboy Reunion Tour.
View ImageWhen your look goes from Sexy Rocker to Ukranian Peasant Woman it may be time to ditch the bandanna, guy.

     And finally NY Giant Super Bowl hero David Tyree came out against same sex marriage saying it is the "first step on the road to anarchy". If only Sacco and Vanzetti had known they could've just married each other and saved us an ugly chapter in American jurisprudence.

Bernardo Vanzetti (left) and Nicola Sacco (right). Looking at this picture maybe Sacco was wise to just go with robbing the shoe company payroll after all.

    Due to tepidly popular demand our next post will return us to the yesteryear of Wrestling once more with profiles of Kamala, Magnum TA, Superfly Snuka and more. We're on FaceBook, we're on Twitter, blah, blah, blah...It's time to get drunk and try to look down Giada's top on The Cooking Channel so good freakin' night!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Something In The Way She Says Gamecocks

    I'm a lot of things rolled into one-an aspiring alcoholic, a recalcitrant reprobate, a member of the Bull Moose party, a lesbian trapped in a man's body, but above all else, like Michael Keaton's Billy Blazejowski character in Night Shift, I'm an "Idea Man". And just like Billy Blaze's, "way to end the tunafish crisis-feed the fish mayonaise", I'm willing to push the envelope of conventional wisdom. From Double Stuff Twinkies (put the whipped cream nozzle into the "filling holes") to Fluff/Nutella swirl to shaving boxer's forearms to cut down on wind resistance I'm constantly being bombarded by fascinatingly fresh formulas for making this barmy blue ball a more perfect place.

    Unfortunately as I look around a studio apartment that could make Ratso Rizzo and Charlie Bucket's family feel like residents of The Breakers I realize that my intrepid inventiveness rarely translates into real world functionality, but for one exception: Hot Girls Doing Sports.

    Even as a teenager beer commercials had taught me two things-everything is colder/purer in the Rocky Mountains and attractive women push product, particularly to men. So why then I often mused (yes, I did a lot of musing back then) were we subjected weekly to the bland broadcasting banalities of white-haired washouts like Curt Gowdy and Jack Whitaker or soulless suits such as Dick Enberg or Don Criqui when it seemed certain that, say, Sandahl Bergman (Conan, The Barbarian) could, with a little training, gives us the same pap while at least looking good doing it.

     Beats the Hell outta Jim McKay. Though it's probably best she wasn't covering the Munich Olympic kidnappings.

    Problem was competition was sparse in those days before the dawn of cable and FOX Network. There were only 3 major stations and they monopolized the options so it didn't matter if you liked Nordic-style ski jumping or Hispanics in Speedos jumping off rocks in Brazil that's what ABC had on Wide World of Sports and you watched it on Saturday afternoons from January until the College Football opener or went antiquing with your wife.

    Then along came basic cable with its alphabet soup of sports channels and the playing field opened up considerably. Producers were suddenly more amenable to playing to their audiences baser instincts as the rise of Phyllis George, Jayne Kennedy and later Jill Arrington could attest. Yet even today we still haven't reached the point of bringing my vision, ESPNews: Bikini Edition, to fruition, but then again I don't get ESPN Desportes on my cable package so I can't say for sure.

    Until then here's a quick sampling of some of the women of ESPN ranked in order of atrractiveness and designed to illuminate and tittilate...because that's what I do:

7. Holly Rowe (CFB Sideline Reporter): As far as I'm concerned the saddest words in sports are not "Tinker to Evers to Chance", but rather "Let's go to Holly Rowe on the snowy Boise State sideline." The longest tenured sideline reporter at ESPN with a resume that goes back to 1997 Ms. Rowe is sadly what the sales people in the Young Men's Department at Gimbel's used to call me-Husky. And so while more comely Janey-come-latelys like Jenn Brown and Heather Cox get to flash some skin along the benches in locations like Miami, Los Angeles or Austin, Texas Holly is wrapped up like Ralphie Parker's brother in A Christmas Story trying to weather the elements in Boise, Madison, Wisconsin or some other outpost a stone's throw from the Canadian Border. And don't get us started on Erin Andrews...(more below)

Holly in her finest Lane Bryant winter wear.

6. Pam Ward (CFB Play-by-Play): The first time I saw those Mentos-Freshmaker commercials my foremost thought was, "Is this Swedish?" Similiarly the first time I heard Pam Ward doing play-by-play I thought, "Who is this man and why have they tapped into the college's student radio station feed?" Ward is low person on the CFB announcing totem pole, saddled with the Noon Mid-American Conference game on Fall Saturdays, and with good reason. The website Awfulannouncing.com has named their weekly "awards" The Pammies and the most positive critique I could find of her work was "sporadic, but competent" which is the same phrase I use to describe my sex life. Looks-wise Ward's about as good as her game-calling so it would appear there's plenty more Saturdays in Bowling Green and Akron in her immediate future.

5. Dana Jacobsen (First Take/ColdPizza): Finding out Cold Pizza (under it's re-packaged name First Take), ESPN's version of Good Morning America, is still on the air is like going to the supermarket and seeing "Gleem" in the toothpaste aisle or "Quisp" and "Quake" next to the Corn Flakes. Ms. Jacobsen's been with the show from the beginning in addition to doing some NBA stuff, but nothing really stands out about her on-air work. And similiar to Ward her appearance won't have her climbing the ladder with any alacrity either. A "healthy" midwestern type from Michigan Jacobsen's most defining feature is a prominent jaw that could make you believe that Reese Witherspoon and Jay Leno's daughter had a baby with Sgt. Slaughter. She's the kinda girl that catches your eye speeding by at 50 MPH, but leaves you gazing down to fumble with the radio when she looks your way at the stoplight. Still Ms. Jacobsen does get kudos for a vodka-influenced rant at the Mike Golic/Mike Greenberg Roast in Atlantic City  a while back where she turned to a table of South Bend-ers and announced, "F--- Notre Dame, F--- Charlie Weis and F--- Touchdown Jesus". See ya in Hell Dana!

Jacobsen doing her best Foster Brooks impression at the Mike & Mike Roast

4. Michelle Beadle (Sports Nation): The Algonquin wit Dorothy Parker once commented on the coeds of a particular Ivy League institution that, "If the women of Yale were laid end to end...I wouldn't be surprised." Perhaps the women of New Haven, Conneticut were a loose bunch, but down the road in Bristol things are generally quite the opposite. While the on-air women of ESPN, Dana Jacobsen's drunken escapades aside, seem to conduct themselves with a subdued professionalism, the male talent shows all the decorum of a Tailhook Convention. From Ron Franklin (sexual harrassment) to Tony Kornheiser (inappropriate comments) to Gary Miller (public urination) to Scott Van Pelt (drunken texting) to Steve Phillips (chubby chasing) to Harold Reynolds and more these guys could make the Howard Stern Morning Crew look like a meeting of the Promise Keepers. I only bring this up because Beadle is attractive, smart, funny and never married at 36, but if she thinks she's gonna find a suitable suitor among these debauched degenerates she's likely mistaken Or as single hottie and former figure skater Bonnie Bernstein said upon quitting ESPN in the early 2000's, "I wouldn't screw one of those clowns with Scott Hamilton's twat!" Good luck Ms. Beadle.

3. Sara Walsh (ESPNews): I'm the last guy who should be making fun of anyone's teeth. When I smile people ask if I'm British. My mantra regarding checkups is, "only if something's fizzing". And last time I went to the dentist they took two pictures of my mouth for display in the American Journal of Denistry-one closeup and one from farther back to verify it was a human head. But I'm sorry Sara Walsh has some big choppers. Still I like a nice overbite as much as the next guy particularly when it's attached to a blond, bronzed, tight package like this relative newcomer. The only caveat seems to be that Ms. Walsh gives the impression of being a Type-A personality. Her twitter page indicates she hoped to go pro in soccer following college, but after suffering multiple knee injuries settled on high profile sportscasting as a "backup plan". Something about this kind of foresight and goal oriented formulating just rubs me the wrygn...sorry spilled my beer on the keyboard...uh, oh yeah, rubs me the wrong way. But who knows beneath that quaffed, well manicured exterior and piano key smile there could be a Wild Child. Or then again she could be the type of overachiever who'll only have sex if she can combine it with learning a trade. Lord knows I'll never find out for all the carrots in the world.

A tooth fetishists fantasy...and a Google search yields 363,821 pages so apparently there are folks like that out there.

2. Wendy Nix (NFL Live, Baseball Tonight): Nix seems to have everything I want in a woman-blond hair, fair skin, pretty face, late 30's and recently divorced. Heck, if she's been slapped around a little by her ex all the better as it's that much easier for me to look like a Prince in comparison. Additionally, as a purveyor of the occasional adult cinematic offering I've noticed that Wendy seems to embody the classic sexually repressed look with her hair up in a high short ponytail and large, dark-rimmed glasses. The kind of look that is a ripped out hair scrunchy and sultry head swing from turning all animalistic as soon as the library closes and it's just her, the mustachioed copy machine guy and a funky background guitar lick among the stacked copies of Lolita and Tropic of Cancer. But perhaps I've over-played my hand...or my hand has over-played me, in a manner of speaking...at this point. Nonetheless it's good to see Ms. Nix getting some quality air time. Her NFL Live work is solid, her Baseball Tonight appearances save me from trying to picture Karl Ravetch without the hair weave and goodness knows the Playboy Channel charges on my cable bill have been reduced...so everybody wins!

Wendy Nix, who I like to think of as shy, demure and just a little bit vunerable...at least until the glasses come off.

1. Erin Andrews (Everywhere, All The Time): I'm just gonna come out and say it, "I don't like Erin Andrews!" Sure she's tall, sexy, pretty and has a body that could make a Bishop kick out a stained glass window, but I need more. Alright, I don't need more, Hell I couldn't even handle what she's already offering, but it's time for guys like me to take a stand against women like Erin Andrews. Statistics will tell you that on average women earn less than men, but if you could break it down I'm sure you'd find that women like Holly Rowe and Pam Ward earn a lot less than their male counterparts while Andrews for her qualifications earns a lot more. In other words fat girls and plain girls are dragging down the norm whether it's in sportscasting, journalism, office work or pole dancing. Now don't get me wrong from all outward appearances it seems Ms. Andrews is a hard worker just trying to get ahead, but when the public became outraged over her being peeped on in a hotel room it just made me wanna say, "get over it people". She was peeped on because she made her way to the top of ESPN's College Football programming due to her looks, she's a spokeswomen for various products due to her looks and she appeared on Dancing With The Stars, not because of her scintillating 20 second interviews with Urban Meyer on his way to the lockerroom at halftime, but again due to her looks. No one deserves to have their privacy invaded, just like no one deserves anything except on merit, but sadly it doesn't always work the way it should. Now off to meet Larry, Curly and Moe at The He-Man Women Haters Club.

Hey, I never said she wasn't smokin' hot, did I?

UPDATE: An incoherent Lenny Dykstra pleads Not Guilty to bankruptcy fraud charges. See our May post "The Dumbest Guy in the Room" for more on "Nails" and here's a link to the latest story  http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AqndaS5zlUK.5Pth6ANnYBYRvLYF?slug=ap-dykstra-charges Looks like even his buddy Charlie Sheen can't save him now...sad.

    If you're still with us at this point let me say...I apologize...it's almost over. Also don't forget we're on FaceBook and on Twitter at "sprtcom102". Have a good one and I'll get help...I promise.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Genius Is Grown Day-By-Day, Stupidity Arrives Fully Formed

    It's been a week since our last post so in catching up on the latest news we notice that the House Congressional Ethics Committee has announced a "Weiner Probe" which we can tell you from personal experience is not as much fun as it sounds. According to reports an unrepentant Congressman Weiner won't pull out, but if Republicans have their way it'll be "off with his head". Still give him credit, he's got balls.

   In sports news the media was all over Plaxico Burress upon his release from prison. Funny, Barney Fife never got that kinda publicity for shooting himself in the leg, but these are different times. And finally our "Seminal Sluts" series has finally borne fruit with 2011 WWE Hall of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch now following us and exchanging messages on Twitter . Of course it could actually be a 50 year old, divorced plumber from Ohio, but I meet so few people in this line of work...

    I should also mention it's the most wonderful time of the year-the end of school. And at the High School level that also means the laborious chore of signing yearbooks for every pasty-faced, snot nosed, Cheeto eating bastard that passed through my educational transom. Several years ago after my 1000th insincere "Have a great summer" I decided to get "jiggy" with it, so to speak, so without further introduction and with a nod to that gawky, gap-toothed ,midwestern, semi-pedophile of late night TV here is my Top Ten Yearbook Signings for 2011:

10. Thanks for the night screams...

9. Yes, I'm on FaceBook, but I've "pre-ignored" you...

8. To my 52nd favorite student right after that girl with the lazy eye...

7. You found my address on the internet and you're coming to my house next Halloween? That reminds me, "get razorblades". OK, see ya in October...

6. I saw your Mom in The Guiness Book of World Records under "Longest case of Post-Partum Depression"...

5. You're our future? I wonder if they offer "Chinese as a Second Language" at the adult school...

4. You're the reason I sleep with a light on...

3. I haven't seen a more effiminate Jew in the closet since Anne Frank. Good luck in therapy...(RIP Greg Giraldo)

2. You're the reason God allowed Roe v. Wade...

...and the Number 1 Yearbook Signing for 2011...

1. What can I say, but...I hope you die, you fat pig...

    As for sports articles we hope to have a Women of ESPN column up by the end of the week.Now here's some completely needless, soft-core erotica...and, you know, I'm starting to re-think these Yearbook Signings, I mean at least until the tenure kicks in...
I've always been at the forefront of the push for School Uniforms...I mean these kids are under enough pressure dammit...

And don't forget we're on FaceBook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Bowling-Til-It-Hurts/144323018970626