It's been over a week since we last posted and a lot has transpired so let's get caught up. Congress suffered a Weiner Interruptus, Hugh Hefner got left at the altar leaving one to wonder how an old guy like that will ever find another woman and the Greek National Debt topped $490 billion which is a lot of fries with gravy where I come from.
But ultimately this is a sports blog so let's quickly look at the latest happenings there followed by the schedule for our next posting...
First in hockey the Bruins won the Stanley Cup in 7 games leaving Vancouver goalie Roberto Luongo so distraught he tried to throw himself in front of a bus...but fortunately it went through the 5-Hole.
The City of Vancouver was not so lucky, however, suffering two days of rioting in the aftermath of the loss. Now burning cars and ripping up parking meters seems a bit ridiculous, but I gotta admit I'm down with looting. Not that I condone it, but at least there's a socio-economic endgame there. Though I'm not sure the guy I saw on CNN bolting through a smashed supermarket window holding some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and a Zagnut bar over his head was really "sending a message to The Man", but we all protest in our own way.
Meanwhile in baseball the Florida Marlins announced the hiring of 80 year-old Jack McKeon as interim manager making him the most out of shape guy in stretch pants this side of the Loverboy Reunion Tour.
And finally NY Giant Super Bowl hero David Tyree came out against same sex marriage saying it is the "first step on the road to anarchy". If only Sacco and Vanzetti had known they could've just married each other and saved us an ugly chapter in American jurisprudence.
Due to tepidly popular demand our next post will return us to the yesteryear of Wrestling once more with profiles of Kamala, Magnum TA, Superfly Snuka and more. We're on FaceBook, we're on Twitter, blah, blah, blah...It's time to get drunk and try to look down Giada's top on The Cooking Channel so good freakin' night!