Until then, however, let's take care of a little housekeeping...
1. It's been brought to my attention that some Internet Filters used by schools, libraries and assorted places of business have denied access to this site as being "Pornographic". To waylay your fears let me assure you that there is nothing, whatsoever, pornographic on this blog...and, trust me, by the number of 2 and 3 A.M. time stamps on these posts you know I know porno. Or as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said from the bench in 1964, "I could never hope to intelligibly define pornography...but I know it when I see it." Amen, brother!
2. Next for those writing about my profile photo...yes, I always look like that. As my "unchanged from the '80's" hairstyle will attest I was in a bit of a "depeche mode" that day, but thanks for asking. And no I will not be changing the pic as first I rarely allow myself to be photographed since I believe it steals a piece of your soul-my mother had Cherokee in her, it wasn't of her own choosing but you're bored, drunk and in Oklahoma only once-and of those photos I do have it's hard to find one in which my hair does not resemble that of 19th Century South Carolina Senator and Vice President John C. Calhoun.
3. And finally, our next post, in which we return to an era of wrestling when Luchadores were what was on Univision after the guy in the Bumblebee suit and Ric Flair was coherent, will be up by Monday. Ivan Putski, Mr. Wrestling II, Jimmy Valiant and Abdullah The Butcher among others will be profiled so check back.
Have a great holiday weekend and I believe if you've learned anything here...seriously, stay off the drugs.