--Actually I should be out fighting the Mall hordes to make up for lost Holiday shopping time, but I just couldn't leave my (m)any fans sans a scintillating soupcon of sports sarcasm...and plus I'm outta Pepper Spray. Not to mention that hating everyone has it's advantages...I mean is it the 24th yet? Well, then I've still got time.
--Also a quick note to the Salvation Army. You're doing God's work, really, but you might wanna take a moment to re-think the whole bell ringing thing. Every once in a while to let folks know you're there is fine, but when you're sending Otis The Drunk from Andy Griffith out there like Quasimodo on Meth you're not making any friends. I haven't seen anyone ringing bells like that since John Byner in the "Mr. O.M. Weight Loss" episode of The Odd Couple (your welcome readers AngMute, JeffMess and MooseAllen) so how 'bout giving a hungover Wal-Mart shopper a break and maybe I'll throw ya a Sacagawea some time...Lord knows nobody else wants 'em.
--And finally what was Wipeout thinking letting Jill Wagner get away. What's the point of watching anymore? Building giant contraptions to hit over-enthusiastic, do-gooders in the nuts is kinda like watching the Riddler on Batman try to kill the Dynamic Duo. I have a gun and it's called You Tube for this type of thing where I know there's always a skateboarder trying to slide down a metal railing seconds away.
--The big coaching news comes out of Kansas, of all places, with the hiring of ex-Golden Domer Charlie Weis as Jayhawks head coach. I guess this is a coup for a school that has never been a football power and has long played Andrew Ridgeley to the basketball teams' George Michael if I may be so bold as to bring down the testosterone levels with a WHAM! reference.
But frankly I don't see what all ths fuss is about. It would appear Weis is simply playing the Dan Ackroyd role in a CFB version of Trading Places while guys like Kevin Sumlin (Houston to Texas A&M) and Larry Fedora (Southern Miss to North Carolina) get the Eddie Murphy treatment. And for good reason. A cursory look at the records shows that Weis' supposed prowess as a Head Coach is seemingly made up like Sasquatch or the Palestinians, say. In 5 years at ND Weis turned in a .565 winning pct. which is .18 lower than his two predecessors Bob Davie and Ty Willingham.
The big problem for Weis would seem to be recruiting. In his firt two years in South Bend, using predominantly Willingham recruited players, Chunky Charlie coaxed a 69-14 ratio out of Brady Quinn and two 1000 yard campaigns out of Darius Walker while producing a 19-6 record and two BCS Bowl appearances. Over the next three years with his own recruits Weis went 16-21 with one postseason trip to the lowly Hawaii Bowl.
Charlie Weis can coach some offense and his Kansas teams will probably be immediately more competitive for it, but if you can't get kids to come to a school that has it's own exclusive Network TV contract luring 'em to Lawrence won't be as easy as getting Billy Ray Valentine in the back of the Duke Brothers limo...Whiskey!!
--Sometimes it's good to clean up the crap about you. I've learned that taking out the electric shaver attachments and doing a little "man-scaping" always makes things look bigger...um...I mean better down there, but, of course, this can backfire.
So if you're unhappy with this whole LSU-Alabama rematch in the Championship game put the blame on Colorado (and Nebraska). You see when those teams bolted the Conference Formerly Known As The Big 12 officials were fine with it. Nebraska was seen as ungrateful and well the Buffaloes recent performances had just become embarrassing. The real problem though was not replacing them thereby leaving the conference with 10 teams and ineligible to stage a Championship game.
Going into the last week of the season (Army-Navy notwithstanding, but do read John Feinstein's A Civil War for a good take on that series) Oklahoma State trailed the finished for the year Crimson Tide by .0839 in the BCS standing. Their win over Oklahoma earned them .0753 points to pull within .0086 points of the #2 spot. Certainly if they had played and beat 10-2 Kansas State in a Conference Championship game they would have earned more than that and we'd be saved from potentially another single-digit duel between the SEC rivals. Plus it's very unflattering to have to wear little pieces of tissue down there when you cut yourself...or in other words less ain't always better.
--Even before the 2008 Lions yet within the modern era of Pro Football, which I define as the period after the last team named the Steamrollers went under, there was a winless team. It was the 1976 expansion Tampa Bay Buccaneers who not only went 0-14 in their inaugural campaign, but took a twelve loss run at back-to-back winless seasons before winning their last two in 1977. I bring this up because today the Colts will almost certainly fall to 0-13 at Baltimore and QB Dan Orlovsky will move one step closer to the ignominious ground held by Brodie Croyle when he falls to 0-9 as a starter thereby needing one more loss to tie the former Savior of Kansas City.
So can the Colts match the Lions and Bucs? It would certainly seem they're in the running with games versus playoff contenders Tennessee and Houston at home before finishing at Jacksonville. We believe they'll have a real shot in at least one of thse games and will come out 1-15 so if you're into those kind of exotics it could be worth a flier. What bothers us most though is the lack of humor that HC Jim Caldwell has displayed throughout a situation that has obviously turned from sad to sublime so here's a few quotes from the anti-Bill Belichick of the coaching fraternity Tampa's John McKay circa 1976:
(On his kicker claiming to have a bad training camp because McKay's watching made him nervous) "That's too bad because I plan on attending all the games."
(On his postgame speech following a 41-0 loss) "I told 'em forget about it. There's 3 billion people in China who don't even know this happened. Then this morning I get three calls from Peking saying, 'Coach, what the Hell happened out there?'"
(After their first win in 1977) "Three or four plane crashes and we're in the playoffs!"
RIP Coach...
--In the "Homerpalooza" episode of The Simpsons Homer is confused when intoduced to a band performing with the festival- "Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins"..."Uh...Homer Simpson, smiling politely". But it's left to Bart to sum up my thoughts on much of that eras music when he tells Corgan that becoming rich for playing sad, I-hate-the-world music for teenage kids is like shooting fish in a barrel. Which is similiar to the reason I never purchased Pink Floyd's "The Wall" album. I mean after the nuanced brilliance of "Comfortably Numb, "Money", "Have A Cigar" and the rest the second I heard them scream "Hey Teachers leave those kids alone" it all seemed too easy. Not to mention I developed a theory that the song was just a ripoff of "Dust in the Wind", but that got me beat up once in Auto Shop so let's just leave it there.
Still the easy way is not always the best way or correct way as Jason Garrett found out last Sunday with a chance to go up 2 games in the NFC East seemingly his teams' for the taking. Now first off, yes, icing your own kicker is akin to betting $1 under the lowest bid in Contestant's Row on The Price Is Right, but that notwithstanding the bigger, and mostly, unreported blunder (the game announcers did not comment on this) was made before Dan Bailey even set foot on the field.
With 24 seconds left and two timeouts Dez Bryant catches a first down making pass to the Arizona 31, but instead of calling timeout which would give his offense potentially two more plays to improve FG position Garrett takes the easy way out having Romo clock the ball at 8 seconds and sending in Bailey for the inevitable post-time out miss. Considering he's an undrafted 23 year old rookie it might've been wise to let your veteran QB take a couple shots short with a timeout still in hand.
But if Garrett needed a lesson in this type of timidity he needed to look no further than hot-seated Norv Turner the previous week. In virtually the same scenario vs. Denver the Chargers had the ball 1st and 10 at the Bronco 35 needing just a FG to win. Journeyman Nick Novak had previously missed a 48 yarder so it would seem to behoove Turner's troops to get another 1st down and take some of the risk out of the attempt. Instead Norvell had his offense come out in a tightly bunched run formation at which point Denver brought everyone into the box and shut down the subsequent 3 run plays for zero yds. and the 53 yard attempt by Novak was worth watching not because it had a chance, but to see a man's face (Turner) as the last floater of his head coaching career circled down the toilet.
But maybe this is why Garrett and Turner are under fire and GB HC Mike McCarthy is living large. When the Pack found thmselves 1st and 10 at the NYG 29 with 44 seconds left in a tie game he didn't run down the clock and hope for a 47 yarder even though his kicker is the All-Pro Mason Crosby. Instead he threw to a RB for -1, but didn't panic and threw again this time getting an 18 yard hookup that basically won the game.
I'm not expecting coaches to go all Tin Cup everytime they get in these situations. Sometimes it's good to lay up and live for another day. Still if it's my job I'm putting it on the back of Tony Romo and Philip Rivers before Dan Bailey and Nick Novak everytime, but, hey, that's just me.
--Back in the day I was always more of a Bailey Quarters than Jennifer Marlowe man on WKRP IN Cincinnati and I think time and plastic surgery debacles have proven me right.
Earlier this year we touted Dallas even at 2-3 to win the NFC East and even before that told Fantasy folks to trade whatever it took to get Rob Gronkowski and we think these against the grain predictions have pretty much panned out. So for our Playoff stunner we're going to go with 5-7 Seattle to reach the Big Dance.
Now this is a longshot, but after looking at the Wildcard field of NYG (or possibly Dallas), Atlanta, Detroit and Chicago there's no reason to think the Seahawks can't get in the mix for 1 of the two spots. First off let's toss the deadweight of the Bears overboard. The Giants and Dallas could cancel each other out into at best a 9-7/8-8 season for one and if that one is the Giants Seattle has the tiebreaker. If we put Atlanta in that leaves Detroit. The Lions sked starts out fine today home vs. banged up Minnesota, but then turns trickier than a discount prostitute with games at Oakland, home to what might be a resurgent San Diego and at Green Bay who might give it their all if a 16-0 season is on the line. Meanwhile Pete Carroll's Crew has St. Louis at home today, at Chicago, home vs. S.F. who may be locked in at that point and resting players and finally at Arizona. In the last 4 weeks their defense, Carroll's specialty, has picked it up allowing only 15 ppg and if it weren't for the surprising loss to Washington or having to start Charlie Whitehurst in an ugly 6-3 loss to Cleveland they'd be sitting at .500 right now.
We're not riding the Tavaris Jackson bandwagon by any stretch, but I gotta write something here and in a conference (NFC) where everyone outside of Green Bay is redefining mediocrity for a generation that never heard The Little River Band this guess is as good as any.
--Fred's Pick: Yes at 6-3-1 we're "bolding" it. Plus we like today's selection which is San Diego -7 over the fading like Andre Agassi's hairline (I know I broke an unwritten Guy's Rule by mentioning it) Buffalo Bills. As for my pick I'll go with Denver -3 in Mile High.
Now off to mix up a Toddy like Dad used to make...where'd I put that bottle of Rye again...